Sunday, January 4, 2009

Prego pic

A lot of people are asking me to post a picture of me now that I show. You can see in others below I just look HUGE!!! Yes, I could take a picture of myself but I am not that happy with my appearance. This picture I think is the best that I can show where you can see a bump and I don't look 300 pounds!
25 weeks and counting. He is moving around all the time but is so low and is in my back making for some pretty rough afternoons. My siatic is killing me by noon every day! I never had this with Madison. I guess this is what people refer to as a "back pregnancy"????
We think we have a name but we are thinking of keeping it quiet. We thought we had settled on "Mason" but I think it is too close to Madison.
If another picture happens to come along that is flattering on all angles I will consider posting :)