Friday, January 9, 2009

Quick update

Since Wednesday I have been experiencing a lot of cramping and what seemed to be contractions. I called the doctors office and yesterday went in. After a quick exam and being hooked up to the monitor, they said I had two contractions and that I was not crazy!!! Finally....confirmation!
I had to drop off some tests at the hospital and they sent me home on bed rest and lots of fluids. I found out today that the tests were negative for pre term labor which is a huge relief!!!! Still have not heard from the doctor himself but I will go back to work Monday and see them at my normal appt Monday as well. Kind of scary but we are lucky it is nothing to be alarmed about.
We have finally registered at Babies R Us so its nice to have that completed. We now just need to get the room painted and start setting things up! School started for me again this week so I have spent the day at home getting assignments done. As much as I say I would love a day at home alone...I am getting very ancy and can not relax. Madison is signed up for soccer and starts in another week. She is very excited!